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Cixi Tingye Plastic Products Co.,Ltd
Cixi Tingye Plastic Products Co.,Ltd  

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Cixi Tingye Plastic Products Co.,Ltd [China (Mainland)]

Business Type:Manufacturer
Country/Region: China (Mainland)

bath tub waste (Total 21 Products)

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  • pop-up waste,bathtub waste,bath waste and overflow,bath waste strainer,bath pop up waste

pop-up waste,bathtub waste,bath waste and overflow,bath waste strainer,bath pop up waste


1.bath drain,plastic pop up waste,bath drain,bath pop up waste,bathtub pop up waste
2.size:G 1 1/2" with flexible pipe
3.high quality


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  • bathtub pop up waste,bath pop up waste,bath waste fittings,bath waste and overflow

bathtub pop up waste,bath pop up waste,bath waste fittings,bath waste and overflow


1.bath pop up waste,plastic pop up waste,bath drain,bath pop up waste,bathtub pop up waste
2.size:G 1 1/2" with flexible pipe
3.high quality


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  • tub overflow,drains,bathtub waste,bathtub pop up waste,bath waste and overflow,bath waste fittings

tub overflow,drains,bathtub waste,bathtub pop up waste,bath waste and overflow,bath waste fittings


1.bath waste and overflow,plastic pop up waste,bath drain,bath pop up waste,bathtub pop up waste
2.size:G 1 1/2" with flexible pipe
3.high quality


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  • bathtub waste,bath pop up waste,bath drainer,drainer,drains,bath waste fittings

bathtub waste,bath pop up waste,bath drainer,drainer,drains,bath waste fittings


1.bathtub waste,plastic pop up waste,bath drain,bath pop up waste,bathtub pop up waste
2.size:G 1 1/2" with flexible pipe
3.high quality


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  • bath waste drain,bath waste strainer,bath pop up waste,bath waste fittings,drains

bath waste drain,bath waste strainer,bath pop up waste,bath waste fittings,drains


1.bath waste and overflow,plastic pop up waste,bath drain,bath pop up waste,bathtub pop up waste
2.size:G 1 1/2" with flexible pipe
3.high quality


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  • bath waste strainer,bathtub waste,pop-up waste,drains,bath drainer,bath waste drain

bath waste strainer,bathtub waste,pop-up waste,drains,bath drainer,bath waste drain


1.bath waste and overflow,plastic pop up waste,bath drain,bath pop up waste,bathtub pop up waste
2.size:G 1 1/2" with flexible pipe
3.high quality


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  • bath pop up waste,bath pop up drain,bath waste fittings,bath waste and overflow

bath pop up waste,bath pop up drain,bath waste fittings,bath waste and overflow


1.bath waste and overflow,plastic pop up waste,bath drain,bath pop up waste,bathtub pop up waste
2.size:G 1 1/2" with flexible pipe
3.high quality


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  • drains,drainer,bath drainer,bath waste drain,bath pop up drain,bath pop up waste

drains,drainer,bath drainer,bath waste drain,bath pop up drain,bath pop up waste


1.bath waste and overflow,plastic pop up waste,bath drain,bath pop up waste,bathtub pop up waste
2.size:G 1 1/2" with flexible pipe
3.high quality


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  • bath waste fittings,bath waste and overflow,bath waste drain,bath waste strainer

bath waste fittings,bath waste and overflow,bath waste drain,bath waste strainer


1.bath waste and overflow,plastic pop up waste,bath drain,bath pop up waste,bathtub pop up waste
2.size:G 1 1/2" with flexible pipe
3.high quality


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  • drainer,bathtub pop up waste,bath drainer,bath pop up waste,bath waste fittings

drainer,bathtub pop up waste,bath drainer,bath pop up waste,bath waste fittings


1.bath waste and overflow,plastic pop up waste,bath drain,bath pop up waste,bathtub pop up waste
2.size:G 1 1/2" with flexible pipe
3.high quality


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  • bath drainer,bath drain,bathtub waste,bath pop up waste,bathtub pop up waste

bath drainer,bath drain,bathtub waste,bath pop up waste,bathtub pop up waste


1.bath waste and overflow,plastic pop up waste,bath drain,bath pop up waste,bathtub pop up waste
2.size:G 1 1/2" with flexible pipe
3.high quality


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  • bath waste and overflow

bath waste and overflow


1.bath waste and overflow,plastic pop up waste,bath drain,bath pop up waste,bathtub pop up waste
2.size:G 1 1/2" with flexible pipe
3.high quality


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  • bath pop up drain

bath pop up drain


1.bath pop up drain,plastic pop up waste,bath drain,bath pop up waste,bathtub pop up waste
2.size:G 1 1/2" with flexible pipe
3.high quality


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  • tub overflow

tub overflow


1.tub overflow,plastic pop up waste,bath drain,bathtub pop up waste
2.size:G 1 1/2" with flexible pipe
3.high quality


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  • bath waste strainer

bath waste strainer


1.bath waste strainer,plastic pop up waste,bath drain,bathtub pop up waste
2.size:G 1 1/2" with flexible pipe
3.high quality


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  • pop-up waste

pop-up waste


1.pop-up waste,plastic pop up waste,bath drain,bathtub pop up waste
2.size:G 1 1/2" with flexible pipe
3.high quality


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